Sunday, March 05, 2006

Them Whoring Spies on Reality TV

What the blazes do people think they’re doing when they write daily blow-by-blow blog dairies?? Weblogs may have started as electronic diaries for the Lonely Heart Clubbers who were friendless cos everything that had a pulse would run for cover whenever they opened their gobs. But by now, with the plethora of highly talented highly amusing highly informative blogs (mine immediately springs to mind), surely the rest should have gotten fried in the current blogexplosion? Obviously not. Like cockroaches, they can probably even survive nuclear wars.
This online phenomenon of the resilient Dead Boring Blog (which is, incredible but true, actually popular) is much like the other incredible-but-true fantastically popular phenomenon of TV programmes based on the formula of “now you just sit there for an hour with eyes glued to the box watching while a bunch of useless previously unemployable idiots get paid to be locked up in an apartment to chat and fart and sleep and chat some more and squabble and go back to sleep, sometimes in each others’ beds”. Then when the groupie drama in an apartment becomes a bit thin, they move the whole frigging bunch of gormless idiots to a deserted island to practice their urban survival skills. Shame they didn’t choose one of those Polynesian islands where the French used to test their nuclear warheads. Fry the bloody attention-seeking whores. Woohoo now that wouldn’t half send these shows’ TV ratings skyrocketing.
It might be a bit difficult to drum up a new team of idiotic participants. But then the U.S. Marines Recruitment Office hasn’t entirely run aground in getting more jugheads to join up for the noble quest of putting their lives on the line in order to bring law and order to Iraq (if that’s really the U.S.’s intention). So, chances are idiot people might be tempted to sign up to replace the fried non-survivors of the last Survivor series. There they go thinking: anything to get their 15 minutes of fame, even if it’s the last 15 minutes of their lives. Poor pathetic sods. Describing them as people capable of thinking is stretching it a bit.
Here in Malta we have not escaped this pandemic of idiocy. “L-Ispjun” (Spying) is the latest hot item on our TV channels. Considering the standards of local TV programming, it is actually a step up in quality. Jeez doesn’t that say it all about Maltese TV! The show evidently runs on a shoestring budget judging by the shitty apartment they’re holed up in, and the funniest part is that “L’Ispjun” airs on PBS, the government-owned TV channel -oh didn’t you know? The whole friggin’ island is going broke, except of course the MPs and the families and friends of the MPs, and the butt-kissing cronies of the MPs – ALL of whom will probably be part of a massive airlift to some Caribbean haven (where Idi Amin and other despots are hiding out) when wholesale rioting breaks out because bread has become more expensive than last year’s parking fine.
What does the ongoing success of Big Brother and its Reality TV whoring spawns say about Western societies? Bored, that’s what. Bored voyeuristic societies which must find Sesame Street intellectually challenging. At least I can safely say I wont and I don’t ever whore myself even when I do, cos when I slut my stuff on my blog I’m not getting paid for it!

"Give us this day our daily Gin" quote: Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk??


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Them Whoring Spies on Reality TV
What the blazes do people think they’re doing when they write daily blow-by-blow blog dairies?? Weblogs may have started as electronic diaries for the Lonely Heart Clubbers who were friendless cos everything that had a pulse would run for cover whenever they opened their gobs. But by now, with the plethora of highly talented highly amusing highly informative blogs (mine immediately springs to mind), surely the rest should have gotten fried in the current blogexplosion? Obviously not. Like cockroaches, they can probably even survive nuclear wars.
This online phenomenon of the resilient Dead Boring Blog (which is, incredible but true, actually popular) is much like the other incredible-but-true fantastically popular phenomenon of TV programmes based on the formula of “now you just sit there for an hour with eyes glued to the box watching while a bunch of useless previously unemployable idiots get paid to be locked up in an apartment to chat and fart and sleep and chat some more and squabble and go back to sleep, sometimes in each others’ beds”. Then when the groupie drama in an apartment becomes a bit thin, they move the whole frigging bunch of gormless idiots to a deserted island to practice their urban survival skills. Shame they didn’t choose one of those Polynesian islands where the French used to test their nuclear warheads. Fry the bloody attention-seeking whores. Woohoo now that wouldn’t half send these shows’ TV ratings skyrocketing.
It might be a bit difficult to drum up a new team of idiotic participants. But then the U.S. Marines Recruitment Office hasn’t entirely run aground in getting more jugheads to join up for the noble quest of putting their lives on the line in order to bring law and order to Iraq (if that’s really the U.S.’s intention). So, chances are idiot people might be tempted to sign up to replace the fried non-survivors of the last Survivor series. There they go thinking: anything to get their 15 minutes of fame, even if it’s the last 15 minutes of their lives. Poor pathetic sods. Describing them as people capable of thinking is stretching it a bit.
Here in Malta we have not escaped this pandemic of idiocy. “L-Ispjun” (Spying) is the latest hot item on our TV channels. Considering the standards of local TV programming, it is actually a step up in quality. Jeez doesn’t that say it all about Maltese TV! The show evidently runs on a shoestring budget judging by the shitty apartment they’re holed up in, and the funniest part is that “L’Ispjun” airs on PBS, the government-owned TV channel -oh didn’t you know? The whole friggin’ island is going broke, except of course the MPs and the families and friends of the MPs, and the butt-kissing cronies of the MPs – ALL of whom will probably be part of a massive airlift to some Caribbean haven (where Idi Amin and other despots are hiding out) when wholesale rioting breaks out because bread has become more expensive than last year’s parking fine.
What does the ongoing success of Big Brother and its Reality TV whoring spawns say about Western societies? Bored, that’s what. Bored voyeuristic societies which must find Sesame Street intellectually challenging. At least I can safely say I wont and I don’t ever whore myself even when I do, cos when I slut my stuff on my blog I’m not getting paid for it!

"Give us this day our daily Gin" quote: Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk??


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