Sunday, February 26, 2006

PULEEZ I dont need sexual performance enhancing pills or penis enlargement for the simple reason...

Why are Viagra spammers targeting me with this unending daily spew of spam? What did I do to deserve this unnecessary barrage of attention? Maybe I should have been a bit more specific when I prayed for recognition. I meant as a phenomenally talented artist, not a wanker! Is it the handiwork of a shithead vengeful ex-lover who's submitted my email address to every frigging pharmaceutical company on the web with a subject header: "Damaged Goods-Needs Some Attention" ??
Oh the clever things they do to get past my spam blocks, like write up completely unrelated subject headers...eg. "Hi! Really Nice to Know You"...well I know immediately that thats a spammail cos NO-ONE ever writes that to me. Today as I was doing my daily hosing down crap in my inbox, I spotted this one which read: "We Cure any Disease" Hmm, might this be something about Euthanasia? So I open it and see a list of medical products....Generic Viagra, Viagra Professional, Viagra Soft Tabs, Valium, Soma, Cialis, Xanax... ummm, I didnt think low libido and impotence were DISEASES?! And what the hell is the difference between Generic Viagra and Professional Viagra? One is for your garden-variety wanker and the other is for the Serious Qualified Wanker? Isnt Viagra + Soft a contradiction in terms? And who's the Valium for? The wife to spike the over-stimulated hubby's milk with?
As I prepare to do my blogrant, I do a Google search for a Viagra symbol and find this:

Found on all Viagra packaging. Symbol of the Limp Dick Sydrome or Dicks with Altitude Sickness. Could also be understood to mean Bent (suitable as generic logo for Gay Organizations).

20% and rising? Does this represent the increase in performance? Increase in size? Time to shift gears cos there's an erection approaching?

A Viagra user who does it from the back AND the front? At the same time. Projected increase in organ length? Confused heat-seeking missile?

Whatever, these bloody spammers are really pissing me off. Improve your performance! Thanks but no thanks, perfection comes with practice and I've practiced a lot. After I have sex, even the neighbours light up a cigarette. Increase the size of your organ! No thanks, I can do without the neighbours complaining about the noise. And the trouble is I cant email them back to let rip cos then they'd know my email is active and then they'd REALLY move in on me. Every time I'd open my email I'd see this Send/Receive message:"...90,766...and counting..". I just want to tell them they're wasting their time-and mine-cos I'm female! If I wanted a super-charged high octane performing dick, I can buy one from the Ann Summers catalogue. And I wouldnt have to constantly stroke its ego by gushing on about ooh how big ooh how thick ooh how skillful. Obedient-low maintenance-easily replaceable-odorless-comes without hairy numbskull attachment....perfect!
My "Give Us The Day Our Daily Gin" quote: Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

hahaha good blog!! they are spaming me too with the same emails. i block the receivers from outlook express but they keep changing names. someday I'll get rid of them all.
thanx..heheheh...I know, about the name changing-every day i get summin from Linda or Geoff or Ray or Charlott (the Harlot!)but all the same shite in the email...these jerks really make me want to vote of Weapons of Mass Destruction!
I just delete unknown names without even havin a look at what's inside. If I accepted to undergo half of the interventions and bought/swallowed all the viagra they had offered me, I'd have a 737 in my pants which would be a good substitute for the Luqa moument.

Anyways, feel free to steal the goose with beanie pic! He he. I love it!
I would go for something more strong, like canvas.
hehe i agree with you on the slogan!!
good one eh Lady Vam? Uhh Coemgen..canvas? extra-stronger industrial latex maybe, but canvas?? what, just to be completely sure that if it were ever to shoot off, it wouldnt bring down any planes overhead?
Yes yes, why not? Safer no? Plus, if you're worrying about canvas being harsh on tissues, do you think you'll find an orifice that big? The biggest cunt I know of is less than 6 feet high. They call it G.W.Bsh.
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PULEEZ I dont need sexual performance enhancing pills or penis enlargement for the simple reason...
Why are Viagra spammers targeting me with this unending daily spew of spam? What did I do to deserve this unnecessary barrage of attention? Maybe I should have been a bit more specific when I prayed for recognition. I meant as a phenomenally talented artist, not a wanker! Is it the handiwork of a shithead vengeful ex-lover who's submitted my email address to every frigging pharmaceutical company on the web with a subject header: "Damaged Goods-Needs Some Attention" ??
Oh the clever things they do to get past my spam blocks, like write up completely unrelated subject headers...eg. "Hi! Really Nice to Know You"...well I know immediately that thats a spammail cos NO-ONE ever writes that to me. Today as I was doing my daily hosing down crap in my inbox, I spotted this one which read: "We Cure any Disease" Hmm, might this be something about Euthanasia? So I open it and see a list of medical products....Generic Viagra, Viagra Professional, Viagra Soft Tabs, Valium, Soma, Cialis, Xanax... ummm, I didnt think low libido and impotence were DISEASES?! And what the hell is the difference between Generic Viagra and Professional Viagra? One is for your garden-variety wanker and the other is for the Serious Qualified Wanker? Isnt Viagra + Soft a contradiction in terms? And who's the Valium for? The wife to spike the over-stimulated hubby's milk with?
As I prepare to do my blogrant, I do a Google search for a Viagra symbol and find this:

Found on all Viagra packaging. Symbol of the Limp Dick Sydrome or Dicks with Altitude Sickness. Could also be understood to mean Bent (suitable as generic logo for Gay Organizations).

20% and rising? Does this represent the increase in performance? Increase in size? Time to shift gears cos there's an erection approaching?

A Viagra user who does it from the back AND the front? At the same time. Projected increase in organ length? Confused heat-seeking missile?

Whatever, these bloody spammers are really pissing me off. Improve your performance! Thanks but no thanks, perfection comes with practice and I've practiced a lot. After I have sex, even the neighbours light up a cigarette. Increase the size of your organ! No thanks, I can do without the neighbours complaining about the noise. And the trouble is I cant email them back to let rip cos then they'd know my email is active and then they'd REALLY move in on me. Every time I'd open my email I'd see this Send/Receive message:"...90,766...and counting..". I just want to tell them they're wasting their time-and mine-cos I'm female! If I wanted a super-charged high octane performing dick, I can buy one from the Ann Summers catalogue. And I wouldnt have to constantly stroke its ego by gushing on about ooh how big ooh how thick ooh how skillful. Obedient-low maintenance-easily replaceable-odorless-comes without hairy numbskull attachment....perfect!
My "Give Us The Day Our Daily Gin" quote: Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

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